Adult Ministries
Good things come in small groups! In a smaller setting, there is opportunity for interaction, conversation and building relationships. We have a few different venues that allow for that kind of community building
Growth Groups
Our Growth Groups are are made up of 6-18 people who meet weekly for a meal, fellowship, prayer and Bible study. These groups provide opportunities for friendships outside of Sunday morning, and are a great way to get connected.
Sunday Night Growth Group: Meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 6:00 pm at our church. Contact Daryl Madi for details.
Monday Night Zoom Growth Group: Meets weekly at 7:00 pm for discussion. Contact Jim Armbrecht for details.
Wednesday Night Growth Group: Meets weekly at 6:30 pm for dinner and discussion. See Kathy Quinn for details.
Women’s Bible Study
We have a weekly meeting for women to gather and study the scriptures together. Contact Nancy Olson for more information.
Along with mid-week opportunities to fellowship and learn, Good Shepherd also has discussion oriented classes for people who are seeking to grow in their faith discover how they might put their faith into practice.
After worship each Sunday (11:00 am), there is a class for all adults who want to explore the Christian faith and how it can shape our lives. Topics range from discussion of the sermon, to fundamentals of the Christian faith, to hot topics in our culture. Come with your questions and an open mind!
A few times a year, we conduct a class on who we are as a church. We discussion the nature and mission of Christ’s church and how it gets expressed in specifics ways at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church. This is a great class for those who are new to the church and even for those who have been around a long time and would like a refresher on what we are about. If you are looking to become a member, we ask you would join this class. For more information contact the church office.