Our Leadership

“Be Completely Humble and Gentle”

Ephesians 4:2

Some view leadership as being in charge. We strive to see leadership as having a charge. We have a responsibility to hold out the message of hope and grace to our community. Fo those that choose to be a part of our church, we have the responsibility to shepherd and care for them just as Christ, the Good Shepherd, cares for his people. So while leaders have authority, we need to be “completely humble and gentle” in the way we use that authority. Leadership should be collaborative. Ultimately, we not seek our own benefit, but the benefit of others and the glory of God.

Meet the Team

  • Daryl Madi


  • Jim Armbrecht

    Ruling Elder

  • Don Kinnison

    Ruling Elder

  • Betsy Scott


  • Don Kinnison

    Director of Music

  • Jeff Carroll


  • Terrie Carroll

    Director of Hospitality

  • Coordinator of Women's Ministry

    Coordinator of Women’s Ministry

  • Lauren O'Toole

    Director of Daycare